“Women are heroes” by JR rewind



With the night starting, I headed out to Nimas to finally see “Women are heroes” by JR. I only knew what I’ve seen from the trailer and some more from the TED talks, but nothing could prepare me for this. As we sit down, a member from the theater announces JR is not present, but that he would be by the end of the movie for a talk. At this point, I feared he would not be showing up, due to some occasion, but that happily did not happen. The movie starts…

After the movie ends JR jumps up to the stage to says thanks for the applauses and as he’s getting ready to start the talk, a man from the audience bursts into this imense feeling, gets up his chair and starts yelling at JR “THIS IS FUCKIN AMAZING! YOU FUCKER, WHAT YOU DID HERE WAS AMAZING” and starts rushing down the room heading towards JR, stumbling on the wires of a camera in the middle, and continuing to shout vast compliments with the F word attached to it, and leaves the room amazed and touched by the doc. This man was Christopher Doyle. It was a truly amazing experience, followed by an insightful talk by JR himself, and I also had the chance to meet him. Do watch the movie!



pics thanks to Pedro Seixo Rodrigues.

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