“O enterro do galo” coming

Coming this Friday to the Underdogs Gallery is Brazilian artist Finok with “The burial of the rooster” exhibition. Don’t miss his latest mural in the city, posted here.


O Enterro do Galo (The Burial of the Rooster) is presented as an authorial reflection on the human need for understanding and belonging expressed through manifestations of belief, be they of a spiritual, religious or popular nature. Based on the expressive dimension of their visual representations, Finok explores here a universe of devotional and popular celebration practices of a syncretic quality, while also taking in the connections of origin and proximity between several elements of popular and traditional culture shared by Portugal and Brazil.

– PT

O Enterro do Galo apresenta-se como uma reflexão autoral em torno da necessidade humana de entendimento e pertença expressa através de manifestações ritualizadas de crença, quer de raiz espiritual, religiosa ou popular. Com base na dimensão expressiva das suas representações visuais, Finok explora aqui um universo de práticas de devoção e celebração popular de natureza sincrética, estendendo-se às ligações de origem e proximidade de vários elementos da cultura tradicional e popular partilhados entre Portugal e o Brasil.

Inauguração com a presença do artista:
Sexta-feira, 30 de Janeiro, das 19h às 22h


Underdogs Gallery
Opening reception with the artist:
Friday, 30 January 2015, 7pm – 10pm
Rua Fernando Palha, Armazém 56 – Lisbon, Portugal


RSVP Facebook event

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